Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
One thing that I feel I never obtain enough of, is rest. I work 40+ hours a week. Some of those hours are done during the middle of the night. I rear three boys, alone, and those three boys are home schooled by me. So, sleep or rest, is something that is at a premium for me. Yet, when I think I can not go another moment without completely collapsing from exhaustion, I remember that Christ always offers rest to the weary. I only have to remember that Christ will always give rest to the weary if only I ask. Many times, I forget to ask for help or to ask for rest. It is a flaw of mine which I work diligently to change. It is so simple, yet, so difficult. It requires humility to recognize I need rest. A respite from this world which can be obtained from prayer. A simple prayer and recognizing Christ is in charge. It is a relief. I find rest in the arms of Christ, when I am at my weakest and most fatigued. I am not alone in this world, despite what I may think.
So, I want to offer to every one; rest. Rest which is not obtained from sleep, but rest from our anxieties, disappointments or whatever fatigues our soul. Those of us who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Saviour have found rest in Jesus. Those who have not, can receive rest if they come to Him. He promises to give rest to the weary. Let us gladly accept what He desires to freely give us. Jesus wants to give us rest. He died on the cross for our salvation and our sins. Why would he not want to provide you with rest?
You do not need to buy, beg, borrow or steal to obtain it. It is free. You can receive it as a gift from God. God's grace, a gift from heaven, just for you! Jesus will set you free. He will set you free from the bonds which prevent you from rest. If you are burdened with sin, anxiety, sorrow... come to Him, He will give you rest. He carried the crushing weight of humanities sin so that you and I no longer have to carry it. Jesus gives us rest! Come to Jesus by praying to Him. Believe in God’s Word, the Gospel, and surrender yourself to Him.
If you come to Him, the respite He gives you will be Holy and eternal. He gives you rest which leads you to Him in heaven. He offers respite to all who call upon him. And best of all He gives it freely. So, call upon the Lord, if you are ready to rest.
May the peace of the Lord be with you,
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