It is so difficult to do what we are told. Our selfishness, pride and willfulness leads us to be defiant. Our society rewards us for being defiant, the rebel, or the maverick. But what we want, or desire, or what society rewards or encourages is often different than what God wants us to do.
God calls us to Him and the closer we get to Him the more He asks and demands of us. It is obedience which He asks of us. But not only are we children of God, we are children of this world and this division tears us between obeying or doing what we desire. "Our Father...Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven..." God's will be done here on Earth. That means we are called to do God's will while we are here on Earth.
For some of us that is to be mothers, fathers, missionaries, Priests, Deacons, prayer partners...
No matter what God has ordained of us, we are to do it, because, He has willed it. Because, "He said so."
As parents we are to live our life according to God and we guide our children by leadership from God. Why? because, "He said so." Wives are to follow the guidance and leadership of their husbands who guide and lead them from the leadership of God, because, "He said so."
This submissive obedience is God shaping us and perfecting us. It is a breaking away from our selfishness and wordliness and preparing us for our eternal life. This is doing what we are ordained to do as God has planned for us.
I struggle with this submissive obedience. I like many persons of this world struggle with obeying God and allowing His will to be done and not my will. When I get stuck in this struggle, and I am usually losing the struggle, I am reminded by God as to who is the boss. And when I surrender, it amazes me how all things begin to improve. I am humbled by His power and His desire to lead me. I have to continue to work on my willfulness. The closer I get to God the richer and fuller my life becomes. It does not overshadow the fact that each step closer also means more is demanded of me and don't forget the devil. He will tempt me and try to get between God and I. The struggle, obedience and surrendering to God is not easy, but the rewards are great.