At one point in the midst of the confusion and agitation I went to my laptop and opened my Itunes and put on some music. The first song that played was from the album Abba Pater, a CD from the Year of the Jubilee with Pope John Paul's sermons put to music. The Pope's words "Do not be afraid." Hello, lightbulb went off. This was not the work of God and despite the fact I was feeling very alone, I wasn't. My day continued to be full of aggravation, but when I reached the point of no return, I reminded myself I was not alone. When I went to bed, I was exhausted from battling with the Devil. I went to prayer and fell asleep. Not so sure that counts as prayer. I slept hard for about 3 hours and then I was awake for the rest of the night. Big difference though. A sense of peace. I was able to get so much more accomplished today and there were no big freak out sessions for anyone in the house. God carried me through the day, yesterday. Poor guy, I was putting up quite a fight. Only to prove the strength of God and His willingness to carry us. With sleep came peace and a new day.
Within your wounds conceal me. Do not permit me to be parted from you. From the evil foe protect me.
Prayer connects us to God.
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