I was FBing earlier when a friend from the other side of the planet started a chat. Mind you, this is a very dear friend and despite being separated by thousands of miles we are never far from each other's thoughts and heart. Distance, culture, economics and geography has always been an obstacle but the conversation always starts where it last ended. My friend was on vacation for most of July. Due to where she was vacationing, there is no internet provider, I doubt cell phone service and possibly limited electricity. No, she did not vacation in a 3rd world country, just a remote area of Norway, which is the country where she lives.
She was obviously refreshed from her vacation. The conversation was lively and then she dropped a bomb. A bomb of incredible good news. I only know tidbits of it, she states the rest is to come. She is planning to come to the U.S. and it sounds permanent. My dearest friend and I on the same continent. (I am on the verge of tears of happiness when I write this.) This is a dream come true for both of us. I told her about the spiritual and emotional fight that I had been experiencing. I told her how she was the 1st of the many good things God had shown me in my dreams to come true. It renewed my belief that I am doing what God wants. God works in so many different ways, it always amazes me. How can anyone refute his existence.
2nd topic:
My eldest son is grappling with believing in God. He is like the apostle Thomas who needed evidence that Jesus was alive. My son is so grounded in needing concrete, tangible , tactile, in the real world proof that God exists. I think the Devil is at work here. I continue to call upon St Michael the archangel, St Joseph the father of Jesus, the priest from our parish to continue to show my son that God and Jesus are real.
My son, who battles with Bipolar disorder is always asking why God made him this way. I believe his disorder is his blessing and his salvation. He sees it as his burden. I believe we all suffer in some way, be it physical, emotional, financial, etc... We are given a burden to carry, such as Jesus, who carried His own cross. This suffering is what draws us nearer to God or further if we choose. I suggest he go to prayer and I offer to pray with him, but he just replies why would I want to talk to Mr perfect. My heart breaks when he says this. Because Jesus was not perfect. He was human, flesh and blood and He suffered a horrible death. Dying displayed on a cross between 2 thieves with a crowd hackling and jeering at Him. Yet, His death was the salvation for all of those who hated Him and chanted for His Crucifixion. How incredible, salvation for mankind manifested through the death of the earthly body of God's son. I know the pain, cry the tears that His mother cried as she was at His feet and watched Him suffer and die. I watch my son suffer and I am as helpless as Mary was on that day. In a way I am watching my son die a spiritual death and I know that rebirth can be found through the Holy Trinity. I pray to God, petition the saints and angels to begin the conversion of his heart to return to Jesus, where his heart and soul will find peace.
For all of those who suffer, have faith. Take your suffering and pain and lay them at the feet of Jesus. He will take your pain and suffering and he will renew you. Go to prayer and ask Jesus to be in your life and ask Him to take your suffering and pain. He has already suffered for all of humanity and he will take your suffering and give you new life in Him.
God's Blessing to all
Hi Abigail
ReplyDeleteFirst topic: is your moving friend someone I know? :-) On the topic of god, why do you feel your eldest son is wrong to want more tangible proof of the existance of god(s)?
Second topic: Wasn't Jesus born perfect and was perfect here on Earth? I thought that was the point of his crucifiction - a "perfect" human sacrficed to pay for the sins committed by Adam and Eve who were originally also perfect? I'm not a Christian so I might not know what I'm talking about here (though I have had a lot of exposure to it) :-)
If this is not the right place for a discussion then we can move it to email if you prefer?
I was with a girl for a while who was/still is bipolar. It was an interesting experience though the relationship didn't last long. She was very self-absorbed with her disorder.
Best wishes to you Abigail and your family xx
PS What or where does 'agape' come from or mean? It's your nickname?
Steve, I do not know if you know my friend. We were pretty inseperable back in the day. She was a local girl, she came to SAMS as a visitor several times. Maybe you remember her and maybe you do not. None the less we are still pretty tight and we can still predict what the other is thinking and seem to know when the other is in need.
ReplyDeleteAs far as needing tangible proof. There is nothing wrong with that. Thomas, a disciple doubted that Jesus had been resurrected and demanded proof. Jesus came to him and showed him the wounds to his hand and gash in his side and Thomas believed. Jesus acknowledges that there will be those who need more "proof" to believe. I want more than anything for my son to accept the calling which he is fighting with. He hears God, but it is difficult for him to accept that God wants a relationship with him.
Jesus was perfect, except for he was human, He was purposely flawed, human, so he could be like us and live like us. His crucifixion and ascension to heaven is when he was made perfect so He could sit at the right hand of God.
As far as bipolar disorder, many persons do use it as crutch as to why they can not/will not control their emotions. It is a difficult disease. Hopefully by addressing it as a child and adolescent he will know how to mange the disease as an adult. I do not allow him to use it as a reason to misbehave or be disrespectful. I treat it as if it were a disease like high blood pressure or diabetes. There is medical management as well as behavioral management. Depends on the day how well things are going.
Agape has many meanings, but he most commonly used meaning, which is the meaning, I use is "Christain love or fellowship."
Thanks for stopping by Steve, my first visitor from the "land down under."